@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')

{{ __('Bulk Product Imports') }}

Export CSV Template
--}} @if (session('total')) @endif

{{ __('Step 1') }}

{{ __('Download Excel File') }}

{{ __('Instruction') }}

  • {{ __('Please download the format file and fill it with the appropriate data.') }}
  • {{ __('To understand how to fill the data correctly, you can download the example file as a guide.') }}
  • {{ __('You need to upload the Excel file.') }}
@hasPermission('shop.bulk-product-export.demo') @endhasPermission

{{ __('Step 2') }}

{{ __('Match Spread sheet data according to instruction') }}

{{ __('Instruction') }}

  • {{ __('Fill in the data according to the format.') }}
  • {{ __('Ensure the thumbnail image is properly uploaded and the image name follows the correct format. The accepted image formats are jpg, jpeg, png, and gif.') }}
  • {{ __('Adding a category is required and category is one. make sure the category name is correct.') }}
  • {{ __('You have the option to add multiple sub categories. Make sure each sub category name is accurate and separate the names with commas.') }}
  • {{ __('Adding a brand to the product entry is optional. If you include one, ensure you enter a single brand name accurately. The brand name must be correct to maintain accuracy in the data entry process.') }}
  • {{ __('You can add multiple colours. Ensure each colour name is correct and separate them with commas.') }}
  • {{ __('You can add multiple sizes. Ensure each size name is correct and separate them with commas.') }}
  • {{ __('Price is required and must be a number.') }}
  • {{ __('Discount price is optional and must be less than the original price.') }}

{{ __('Step 3') }}

{{ __('Validate data and complete import') }}

{{ __('Instruction') }}

  • {{ __('In the Excel file upload section first select the upload option.') }}
  • {{ __('Upload your file in .xlsx format.') }}
  • {{ __("If you have thumbnails, click the 'Select Gallery Folder' button. Next, choose the folder containing product thumbnails from the Excel file you have selected. Finally, click the 'Confirm and Import' button.") }}
  • {{ __("If you do not have thumbnails, click on the 'Import Without Gallery' button.") }}
@hasPermission('shop.bulk-product-import.store') {{-- @hasPermission('shop.bulk-product-import.create') --}}

{{ __('Select Excle(xlsx) File to Import') }}

{{ __('Drop file here or click to upload') }}

{{ $message }}

@endsection @push('css') @endpush @push('scripts') @endpush